Vibration of Power Transmission Helical Gears : Approximate Equation of Tooth Stiffness
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An approximate equation has been proposed to clarify the rotational vibration behaviour of power transmission helical gear pairs with comparatively narrow facewidth. It has been based on the theoretical deflection solved by one of the authors using the finite difference method. and the rotational vibration has been treated as a single degree of freedom system and the meshing resonance frequency of it has been obtained. Furthermore, its propriety is verified by measuring the acceleration for each gear pair belonging to the three categories classified by contact ratio. it is found that the meshing resonance frequencies calculated by use of the proposed equation agrees with experimental values.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
梅澤 清彦
Suzuki T
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
SATO Taichi
Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory, Hita-chi, Ltd.
鈴木 徹
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sato Taichi
Department Of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering College Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Denki Univ
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
UMEZAWA Kiyohiko
Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery & Electronics, T. I. T.
Suzuki Toshio
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
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