- 論文の詳細を見る
The postgastrectomy syndrome in 210 gastrectomized patients was studied. The Patients were divided in 3 groups. Group A-47 cases with dumping syndrome. Group B-28 cases without dumping syndrome but with other kind of complains. Group C-135 cases free from complains. The results are as following- 1) The neurological character of the gastrectomized patients was analyzed patients was analyzed by the slightly changed M. M. P. I. (Minesota Multiphasic personality Inventry). The scales of Hypochondriasis, Depression ; Hystery and Psychasthenia in group A and B were higher than other scales. Then the patients were divided into two groups, the neuropathic group one or more of whose scales of above mentioned categories are higher than the others, and the non-neuropathic group whose scales showed no such changes. 100% of the patients with dumping syndrome (group A) and 59% of group B were proved to be neuropathic, but only 19% of group C were neuropathic. 2) The Mecholyl test for automomic nervous function was applied, 77% of the patients with dumping syndrome (group A) were found to be P-type- 66% of the group A and all of group C were proved to be N-type. 3) The existence of "dumper with surgicaly intact stomach" has been reported previously. Then it can be concluded that postgastrectomy syndrome have sure relation to both neurological facters and unbalance of autonomic nervous sistem. But the syndrome had been reported already by us to have also much relation with physiological factors for example, change of circulating blood volume or rappid emptying through the gastrointestinal stoma as so-called "dumping" syndrome, etc.. It seems that postgastrectomy syndrome situates on the border line between psycho-neurological and patho-physiological disease.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
村上 忠重
鈴木 快輔
鈴木 快輔
戸部 勇
松石 正治
石踊 二矢
熊谷 勝
木嶋 健
多々羅 靖弘
熊谷 勝
松石 正治
石踊 二矢
松石 正治
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