宮島近海産エビ類の幼生 : I.アシナガモエビモドキ
- 論文の詳細を見る
A hippolytid shrimp, Heptacarpus rectirostris (STIMPSON), appears in weed belts in the vicinity of Miyazima Aquarium from October to next April. An ovigerous female of this species was collected from Zostera belt on the 24th April, 1978 and placed in glass container of five liters of aerated sea water. As soon as the larvae hatched out on the night of the 26th April, the female was picked up and fixed for the confirmation of the identification of the species. The larvae have been kept in this five liters-container, to which a small amount of the cultured rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, was added as a food everyday. About 10 larvae were fixed and examined everyday. The larvae of H. rectirostris may be divided into nine zoeal and one megalopal stages as in H. futilirostris and H. geniculatus, which are only species of the genus whose larval development has been completely known (KURATA, 1968b, 1968c). These three species show many common differenciations in basic features, such as the head and thoracic appendages including first and second antennae, and the telson and uropod, but they are distinguished from one another as follows. From H. geniculatus the present species differs in absence of the supraorbital, antennal and pterygostomial spine, and in the curved and blunt rostrum, etc. Like the adult, their larvae of H. rectirostris and H. futilirostris are much closely related to each other, but the former is distinguished from the latter by the characters showing in the Table 2. Of these characters the lateral spine on the fourth to sixth abdominal somite is present in all zoeal stages of H. futilirostris, but entirely absent in all stages of H. rectirostris. This character, however, is of no use in the case of megalopa stage, in which rudimental exopod on the third maxilliped and the following four pereiopods are only distinguishable character between them; namely they are entirely absent in H. rectirostris while present in H. futilirostris. In the zoeal stage 1, the rostrum is absent in PL recirostris as in three Canadian species, H. brevirostris, H. paludicola and H. tridens (NEEDLEL, 1933), but it is present in three other Japanese species including H. pandaloides, which has been only known in the first zoea (YOKOYA, 1957).
- 1979-12-10
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