- 論文の詳細を見る
During the course of our research on the Japanese pandalid shrimps, we found a great izumiae OMORI. As mentioned by OMORI (1971), P. izumiae is rather easily distinguished from P. binoculus by having 1) small size, less than 50mm in total length and 8mm in carapace length, 2) no postrostral crest, 3) long dactyli of the last three pereiopods, about half as long as the propodi and 4) "faintly reddish orange" color in the carapace and abdomen. P. binoculus is more than 100 mm in total length and 21 mm in carapace length and bears a prominent postrostral crest and relatively short dactyli of the last three pereiopods. An oval red circle on either side of the third abdominal somite is most remarkable in P. binoculus. Neverthless almost all previous records were done under the name P. binoculus (URITA, 1921; YOKOYA, 1933; MlYAKE, SAKAI & NlSHIKAWA, 1962; FUJINO & MlYAKE, 1970 and ZARENKOV, 1971, etc.) or Plesionika sp. (YASUDA, 1955; KUBO & ASADA, 1957; UTINOMI & HARADA, 1958, etc.). Fortunately we could reexamine a part of the material of them or examine some specimens from the same localities or near the localities, from which the above-mentioned authors collected their P. binoculus or P. sp. We conclude from these examinations that these P. binoculus or P. sp. in literature do not belong to the true P. binoculus but to P. izumiae. P. binoculus is very rare and usually collected solitarily from rather deep water. The present specimens, which are the first record of this species from Japan, were collected from Tosa Bay, Kochi Prefecture. P. izumiae is distributed all over Japan, except for Hokkaido and the Pacific coast of the Tohoku District. In the Pacific coast of southern Japan it is much abundant in depths varying from 40 to 80 m.
- 日本動物分類学会の論文
- 1976-12-20
- 日本海および東北地方の太平洋岸に出現したエチゼンクラゲに共生するクラゲモエビ
- 日本産エビ類の分類と生態(172)エビジャコ上科・エビジャコ科-クロザコエビ属
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- 淡水産(両側回遊性)エビ類のための魚道に関する実験的研究
- 日本海南西部のイセエビ(Panulirus japonicus)について
- 琴浦ノ澗(佐渡島小木半島)で発見されたアカシマコブウミシダに共生していたウミシダヤドリエビ
- 三宅貞祥先生のご逝去を悼む
- 甲殻類に関する日本のホームページの現状と研究・教育への利用の試み
- 『Traite de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie, Tome VII, Crustaces.』, Fascicule 1, Morpholgoie, Physiologie, Reproduction, Embryologie (1994), 917 pp., 434 figs., 32 tables., ISBN 2-225-83917-4 / 『Traite de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systematique, Biolog
- 『Penaeoid and Sergestoid Shrimps and Prawns of the World-Keys and Diagnoses for the Families and Genera』, Isabel Perez Farfante & Brian Kensley 著, 『クルマエビとサルエビの属名変更』
- 9. 東アジアに出現するエビジャコ属の分類(日本動物分類学会第32回大会)
- コニエ博士 モナコ・アルベール一世賞を受賞する
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- ギルバートおよびソロモン両諸島で採集されたエビ類(テッポウエビ科とテナガエビ科を除く)(北赤道海流域における海産動物相調査報告III.1984年7〜9月の調査によるナウール,ギルバート諸島およびソロモン諸島のサンゴ礁動物相の研究)
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