America と Europe における"nameless shadowy female"考察
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William Blakeの作品AmericaはOrcを主人公として書かれ,EuropeはEnitharmonを中心人物としている。この二人の影に隠れて一見,重要でないように思えるが実は見過してはならない女性が一人いる。それは両作品の“Preludium”に登場する“nameless shadowy female”である。この小論では謎めいたこの女性にスポットを当て,両作品の中で彼女の担う役割は何かを考察してみたいと思う。While Orc is the hero in America,and Enitharmon is the heroine in Europe,there is also a“nameless shadowy female”who appears in the“Preludium”sections of both America and Europe.She does not at first appear to bear a significant role in the stories.However,Blake uses her as a bridge between Cisions of the Daughters of Albion,in which through the voice of Oothoon he openly expresses his concern over the rights of women and slaves,and these two later works.The“nameless shadowy female”in America and Europe symbolizes the oppressed-slaves and women-and is in reality the fallen form of Vala,who is the Emanation of Luvah.(Orc is Luvah's earthly form.)A nameless,shadowy female not only increases the aura of mystery in America and Europe,but the words“nameless”and “shadowy”are also Blake's method of injecting the reality of the situation suffered by slaves and women in that age.She may appear frail and unimportant at first sight,but she plays an indispensable role in setting Orc free from his chains,thereby enabling him to appear in America and France as the fire of revolution.The fact that Blake assigns her such an important role reflects his high expectations for the hidden potential of slaves and women.Thus,by placing the“nameless shadowy female”in America and Europe,Blake expresses his hope that rebellions like the American and French Revolutions will also free slaves and women,whose rights and dignity have long been denied,and once again restore them to their rightful positions.
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