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松谷みよ子の育児日記とそこに記された子供たちの感性豊かな言葉を母体として誕生した「モモちゃんとアカネちゃん」シリーズ。ママとモモちゃん,アカネちゃんの微笑ましい関係に読者の関心が集中しがちなこのシリーズにおいて,登場場面は少ないが,おおかみに変身するなど,一人,異彩を放っているのがパパである。本論文では,そのパパの存在に焦点を当て,パパと子供たちとの関係,そしてパパの描かれ方の変化と人間以外の存在への変身の背後にあるものは何かを考察したい。その際,事実関係を理解するために『松谷みよ子全エッセイ』全三巻と自伝的な『小説・捨てていく話』および神宮輝夫『現代児童文学作家対談』を参考にしたいと思う。This paper focusses on the unique character of Papa in "Momo-chan and Akane-chan" series by Matsutani Miyoko. Careful examinations of the author's essays, interview, and autobiographical novel, reveal that the metamorphoses of Papa in the series correspond with the changes of the author's feelings toward her former husband, and her consideration for the people concerned. The Papa Wolf, created by the author's second daughter's remark, enabled the author to depict her former husband without becoming sick or hurting anybody around her. As time went on, the Papa Wolf seemed to bear a more human-like character. But it was not until the author wrote a book of poetry which exposed all her indignation against her former husband that she could bring in a truly humane Papa who showed deep parental love to his daughters. The bond of affection between Papa and his daughters after the parents' divorce, is an important theme in the series, and Papa can be called a hidden hero. Having a divorce was not common in those days. Seeing a parent after the divorce was even more unusual. But they are becoming more and more common recently. There are more readers who could sympathize with the characters in the series from their own experience. The "Momo-chan and Akane-chan" series, in which Matsutani Miyoko dealt with those contemporary themes for thirty years, would be a perfect series of books for all the family members to read. The series would give them an opportunity to seriously think about their family ties.
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