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平塚らいてうの名は, 日本における女性解放の歴史の中で今も変わらぬ光を放っている。女性のみの手による文芸雑誌『青鞜』の発行や新婦人協会の設立, 「若い燕」と呼ばれた奥村博との共同生活, 与謝野晶子との「母性保護論争」と, らいてうの言動は常に世の人々から非難と賞賛で迎えられた。本稿では, そのらいてうと旅という, これまであまり注目されなかったテーマを取り上げ, 彼女にとって旅とは何であったか, 旅が彼女にどんな影響を与えたのかを考察し, 平塚らいてうという偉大な人物の全体像を把握する一助としたいと思う。なお本稿でいう旅には転地療養などの比較的長期間の滞在も含まれている。らいてうは1923年, 千駄ヶ谷の路地裏の借家で関東大震災に遭遇するが, 本稿は大震災以前の旅を主として扱っている。To get a better understanding of Hiratsuka Raicho, one of the first major feminists in Japan, this paper focusses on the relationship between Raicho and her travels. This virtually undiscussed theme leads to the following conclusions. For Raicho, to travel meant to go back to nature, from which she gets life energy which rules the whole universe. These travels also provided her an escape from stressful city life. They offered her an opportunity to gather her thoughts and to make important decisions. They enabled her to enjoy the pleasure of being a good mother and wife in the grandeur of nature. Furthermore, each journey prepared her for the next step in her life. Her invigorating address to the readers of Seito, “In the Beginning, Women Was the Sun” was created from the combination of her natural admiration of nature, spiritual maturity cultivated through ascetic practices of Zen, and her trip to the mountainous region in Shinshu. This trip also produced her pen name, Raicho. To Raicho, a city was a place where she needed to come back for its facilities-better schools and medical care. Even with all the problems of living in a city, Raicho could still contribute a great deal to raising women’s position in Japan, because she knew she could go to back nature Whenever she felt the need, nature which she was certain would receive her with open arms.
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