- 論文の詳細を見る
In the recent years the shield method has been greatly improved and thus reliable back-filling become a very important problem for successful construction. The back-filling metarials currently used, however, have such undesirable tendencies as run-off into natural ground, flow-out to the face, dilution by water, etc.. In order to overcome these weaknesses, a new grouting material and a new injecting system with it have been developed. The main component of new grouting material is one type of silica-gel which is formed mixing silica-sol, particular cement and aggregates. In the new grouting method, a small amount of new grouting material is added to the back-filling slurry during its transmission by adopting a new mixing system, 1.5 shot of proportion type. Through this mixing process, the liquid material becomes a solid state of thixotropical-gel; in the state the material does not flow by its own-weight but easily flow by the action of pumping pressure. In order to compare effectiveness of the new grout and grouting system with that of the grouts and systems currently used, outdoor grouting tests were carried out use of a large-scale model mold. The results showed its great resistances against dilution by water, bleeding, segregation, flow-out and run-off.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1982-02-15
- 1395 引張り補強材による砂の補強についての基礎的研究(補強土工法)
- 地盤注入用薬液の一斉比較試験結果について : (土質安定材料特集号)
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- 任期を終えるにあたって
- 世界の土質基礎工学関係基準(世界の土質関係基準)
- 第10回国際土質基礎工学会議に出席して[2](第10回国際土質基礎工学会議)
- 座談会 : 1トン試験高炉の回顧と展望
- 研究速報 : 京葉工業地帯の地盤構造
- 1398 網状ルートパイル(R. R. P. )工法の日本における実施例(補強土工法)
- 地盤改良1(物理的安定処理、注入工法)(第20回土質工学研究発表会)
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- 1004.水ガラスを主材料とした新しい薬液の開発研究
- 研究室紹介 : 三木研究室
- 土の判別試験法の自動化
- 地盤注入用各種グラウトの特性の比較
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- 姫路城石垣の変状修復に関連して
- 研究速報 : 砂と粘土の混合割合による強さの変化
- 研究速報 : 稲城砂の分類特性と含有細粒子の透水係数に及ぼす影響
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- 特集6 : ベントナイト系泥水の固化利用に関する研究
- 特集3 : 研究速報 : 掘削廃棄土再利用のための基礎的研究(第1報) : 固化方法の評価のための強度変形試験方法の開発
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