- 論文の詳細を見る
A new statistical theory for brittle solids under multiaxial stresses is presented with a particular emphasis to Mode I and Mode II fracture. The advantages of the present theory are: (1) it is based on the same assumption as that of the well-known Weibull's theory of uniaxial stress, which can explain the effects of size and stress distribution on the variation of strength observed in strength tests quite nicely, and (2) it is applicable to the farcture of anisotropic materials as well as isotropic ones. The applicability of the theory to the existing fracture data under biaxial stress state are shown.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1978-06-15
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- 205 セラミックスの新しい熱衝撃試験法(セラミックスI:き裂進展挙動・強度試験)