- 論文の詳細を見る
Static tensile tests and low cycle fatigue tests up to 10 000 stress cycles under pulsating tension were carried out on plate specimens of glass fiber reinforced plastics. The test plates (340×280×3.12〜4.13mm) were made by laying up with hand 16 ply plain woven cloth of glass fiber. The test pieces were cut off with a hand saw from these plates at first in line with the warp and then at its angle of 45°. The following results were obtained from these tests. (1) In the case of the test pieces loaded in line with the warp, the tensile strength does not vary if the breadth of the test pieces is more than 4 mm, but in the test specimens loaded at the angle of 45° of the warp, the tensile strength increases linearly with the breadth up to 12 mm, and is constant when the breadth is more than 12 mm. (2) The S-N curves under low cycle fatigue up to 10000 stress cycles can be represented by straight lines. and the fatigue strength at any cycles of N Ioaded in line with the warp is expressed in the following empirical formulas : for the plain specimen σ = σ_B -3.3Iog_<10>N for the notched specimen σ = σ_<BK> -2.0Iog_<10>N where, σ_B: tensile strength of plain specimens, σ_<BK>: tensile strength of notched specimens. (3) The fatigue notch factor considered for the fatigue strength at N cycles increases when the stress cycles decreases, and the fatigue notch factor at one cycle, i, e. at tensile strength reaches its maximum. (4) The fatigue notch factor for the specimens loaded in line with the warp reaches its maximum when the notched specimen has the radius of 6 mm. (5) The fatigue notch factor for the specimens loaded at the angle of 45° of the warp is less than the unit.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1970-11-15
- 日本材料学会疲労試験方法規約および同規格解説について : 規格作成のいきさつ
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