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To characterize a photo-catalytic SiO_2/TiO_2 multilayer film prepared by vacuum-deposition method, kinetic measurements of the photo-catalytic activity were carried out, and the interface structure and photo-conductivity of the film were also investigated. By the kinetic analyses of self-cleaning of stearic acid and de-colorization of methylene blue, it was proved that the SiO_2/TiO_2 multilayer film with the 20 nm set-thick SiO_2 overlayer exhibited an improved photo-catalytic activity as compared to the TiO_2 film. The multilayer film had a heterogeneous interface structure, whereas the photo-catalytic reaction seemed to occur on the photo-catalytically inactive SiO_2 surface. A sufficient overlaying by the SiO_2 thin film on the TiO_2 film improved the photo-catalytic properties of the film. The multilayer film with improved photo-catalytic activity exhibited a significantly increased photocurrent compared to a TiO_2 film. Both improved photo-catalytic activity and photocurrent amplification of the multilayer film might be strongly correlated to an increase of photo-generated carriers at the interface of the film. A nanometer-sized insulating overlayer can synergistically form integration to improve photo-catalytic activity, an attractive function for photocurrent amplification of the multilayer film.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 2002-05-01
徳田 敬二
久保田 仁
群馬大学工学部 材料工学科
黒田 真一
黒田 真一
群馬大学工学部 材料工学科
宮下 喜好
生方 勉
宮下 喜好
久保田 仁
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