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V_2O_5-P_2O_5 glasses containing large amounts of V_2O_5 are known to have relatively low transformation and deformation temperatures, in spite of their low thermal expansion coefficients. However, poor water durability and strong devitrifying tendency prevent these glasses from being used as bonding glass. To improve these properties, the effects of composition and additives on the glass properties were studied, and the following results were obtained. (1) An increase in P_2O_5 content improved the water durability and restrained the tendency of devitrification, while the transformation and deformation temperatures increased. (2) On the other hand, addition of a small amount of Sb_2O_3 or PbO improved the water durability without affecting other properties of glasses. (3 Infrared spectrum analysis confirmed that the glass was transformed from layered into network structures with increasing P_2O_5 content or by addition of Sb_2O_3 or PbO. The improved water durability was explained by the network structure which prohibits the water penetration into glasses.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1989-08-01
滑川 学
山田 誠一
山田 誠一
日立 日立研
内藤 孝
前田 邦裕
内藤 孝
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