31pSP-2 Search for K_L ⇾ π^0 νν decay (KEK-PS E391a experiment) : Engineering run
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-03-06
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Ahn J.
Department Of Physics Pusan National University
Ahn J
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Ahn J
Department Of Physics Pusan National University
Dorochenko M.
Inagaki T.
Ishihara N.
Lim G.
Morimoto T.
Okuno H.
Omata K.
Sato T.
Sakimoto M.
Yamaga M.
Yoshimura Y.
Ajimura S.
Osaka University
Ikei T.
Osaka University
Ikemoto Y.
Osaka University
Mizuhashi T.
Osaka University
Nomachi M.
Osaka University
Oba T.
Osaka University
Sakashita K.
Osaka University
Shibata Y.
Osaka University
Sugaya Y.
Osaka University
Tanaka E.
Osaka University
Yamanaka T.
Osaka University
Itaya M.
Yamagata University
Iwata T.
Yamagata University
Hariu T.
Yamagata University
Moriya M.
Yamagata University
Tajima Y.
Yamagata University
Yamamoto M.
Yamagata University
Yoshida H.
Yamagata University
Yoshida Y.
Yamagata University
Lednev A.
University of Chicago
Nix J.
University of Chicago
Perdue G.
University of Chicago
Pod E.
University of Chicago
Raqtajizak M.
University of Chicago
Wah Y.
University of Chicago
Watanabe H.
University of Chicago
Baranov V.
Khomoutov N.
Kurilin A.
Macharashvili G.
Moiseenko A.
Tsamalaidze Z.
Akune Y.
Saga University
Fujioka Y.
Saga University
Kawakubo N.
Saga University
Kobayashi S.
Saga University
Kojima T.
Saga University
Ahn J.
Pusan National University
Lee H.
Pusan National University
Lee S.
Pusan National University
Shinkawa T.
Hsiung Y.
Nakano T.
Sekimoto M.
Yosoi M.
Kyoto U.
Nakano T.
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Toho University
Sugimoto M.
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Murakami Tetsuya
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakamura M.
Icrr Univ. Of Tokyo
Ishigami T
Stefan Meyer Institut Fur Subatomare Physik
Komada T.
Nihon U.
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Brookhaven National Laboratory(BNL)
Sakuragi Y.
Hara Tetsuya
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Tajima Y.
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
Yamamoto M.
Research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University
Hara T
Research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka. University
Murakami T.
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Naruki M
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nomachi M.
Riken Nishina Center Riken
Itahashi T.
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Yoshida H.
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
Lee H.
Pusan Nat. Univ.
HARA Takashi
Institute of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo
Hariu T.
Research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University
Nagae T.
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
Omata K.
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
Yamaki T.
Osaka University
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kojima T.
Tohoku University
Oba T.
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Moriya M.
Department Of Applied Physics National Defense Academy
Oota T.
Research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University
Kawamura T.
Tohoku University
Sato Y.
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Chiba University
Nakabayashi T.
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
HARA Takashi
Institute of Physics, College of Arts and Science University of Tokyo : Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
HARA Tetsuya
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Hara Tetsuya
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka. University
- High Statistics Measurement of the Cross Sections of γγ→π^+π^- Production(Physics of elementary particles and fields)
- Isospin Symmetry in the Structure Study of Unstable Nuclei
- Ion-Optical Matching Conditions Realizing Good Resolutions in Using a Magnetic Spectrometer
- 27aSK-9 KBK-E391a実験で使用するCeF_3結晶の性能評価2
- 25pYE-7 KEK-E391a実験で使用するCeF_3結晶の性能評価
- 21pZD-4 A search for strange tribaryonic states in ^4He(K^-_,n) reaction
- Hadroproduction of DD^^- Pairs in the Interaction of 350 GeV /c π^- Mesons with Nuclei : Progress Letters
- Charm Production by 350 GeV/c π^- Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion : Progress Letters
- 20pBD-1 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA (IV)
- 27pXF-7 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA (II)
- 20aSD-10 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA
- 25pZB-7 φ photo-production from nuclei at SPring-8/LEPS(Hadron and nuclear physics with electromagnetic probe)
- 31pSP-2 Search for K_L ⇾ π^0 νν decay (KEK-PS E391a experiment) : Engineering run
- H-dibaryon and hypernucleus formation in the Ξ-12C reaction at rest
- 22a-D-7 ダブルラムダハイパー核探査実験E906(II)
- 22a-D-6 BNL-AGS-E906実験ダブルラムダハイパー核探査実験I
- KEK-PS K0ビームラインのビームサーベイ
- Isovector dipole resonances of ^4He and α-clusters in ^Li studied by the (^7Li,^7Be) reaction at 455 MeV(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Isospin Symmetry in the Structure Study of Unstable Nuclei
- 散乱実験からみた中間子有効質量と結合定数(メソンマス2,媒質効果、メソンマス,多体系の場の理論の新展開,研究会報告)
- Measurement of the Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral Beauty Hadrons : Particles and Fields
- Production of Two Single-Λ Hypernuclei by Ξ^- Capture : Particles and Fields
- Search for φ-Meson Nuclear Bound States in the p^^-+^AZ→φ+^_φ(Z-1) Reaction(Hadrons in Nuclei,New Frontiers in QCD 2010-Exotic Hadron Systems and Dense Matter-)
- 21pBW-5 Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium R & D Project : Sensitivity for Reactor Neutrinos
- The Sensitive Analysis for Effects of Vegetation in Atmosphere and Surface Interaction
- The Application of Spectral method for Meso-Scale Phenomena
- Direct Observation of Sequential Weak Decay of a Double Hypernucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Evidence of Weak Decay of Heavy Double Hypernuclei
- Large-Scale Structures Due to Wakes of Open Cosmic Strings : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Formation of the First Systems in the Wakes of Moving Cosmic Strings : Astrophysics and Relativity
- 11pSF-7 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA (V)
- Search for matter-dependent atmospheric neutrino oscillations in Super-Kamiokande
- Solar neutrino measurements in Super-Kamiokande-II
- ^7Li-Excitation of a Resonance at E_x=15.5MeV in ^Pb
- 26pZA-4 2piO photoproduction at SPring-8 LEPS(中間子生成,ハドロン構造,実験核物理)
- 26pZA-3 ω photoproduction at SPring-8 LEPS(中間子生成,ハドロン構造,実験核物理)
- 25pZB-11 S_(1535) resonance in nuclei studied with the C, 0u(γ,η) reactions(Hadron and nuclear physics with electromagnetic probe)
- Kaonic Hydrogen : Status of the DEAR Experiment
- σ and κ in Scattering Processes and New π^0π^0 Phase Shift Data(§2. ππ/Kπ Scattering,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- 6a-J-3 Search for H-dibaryon through Ξ^- d atom II
- Experimental Study of in-medium meson modification at the KEK 12 GeV PS(Hadrons at finite density)
- Nuclear Media Effects on Production and Decay of Vector Meson Studied in 12 GeV p+A Interaction
- Measurements of Mass Modification of Vector Mesons in Nuclear Matter(§6. Mesons in Nuclei,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- 6a-J-2 pA, dA反応におけるSubthresholdp^^-生成実験IV
- 6a-J-1 pA, dA反応におけるSubthreshold p生成実験III
- 6p-B-5 Cosmic-ray Test of the Installed Endcap RPC Modules in BELLE Detector
- K^^--Nucleus Interaction Probed by the In-Flight (K^-, N) Reactions(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Kaon-Nucleus Interaction Studied through the In-Flight (K^-, N) Reaction
- Kaonic Nuclei Excited by the In-Flight (K^-,N) Reaction
- 28pSE-2 Study of the Kπ bound system : Current status
- 21pSD-4 Study of Kπ bound system
- 28p-YJ-1 Reaction Mechanism of 6^Li Scattering at 600 MeV
- 23p-D-4 Study of ^6Li Breakup Reaction at 100 MeV/A
- Dirac Decomposition of Wheeler-DeWitt Equation in the Bianchi Class A Models
- σ in Production Processes : pp Central Production, J/Ψ Decay and D Decay(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- 10p-YA-6 Gamma-ray Multiplicites in Dy(α,xnγ) Er Raction
- Large-Scale Structures and Streaming Velocities Due to Open Cosmic Strings : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Decrease of Velocity Differences between Baryonic Objects and Cold Dark Matter : Progress Letters
- Hierarchical Structure of Astronomical Objects in the Cosmic String Scheme
- Evolution of a Super-Massive Star in a Dense Stellar System
- Super-Weakly Interacting Particles and the Formation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Rigorous Renormalization Group Analysis of φ^4 Field Theory
- Critical Behavior in a System of Branched Polymers
- Scalar Field Theory from Statistical Mechanics
- A Polar Patrol Balloon Observation of Cosmic-Ray Protons and Auroral X-Rays in Antarctica
- 新型硬X線/ガンマ線望遠鏡Welcome-1及びSN1987Aの観測〔英文〕 (大気球研究報告)
- Hodgkin's Disease-Related Central Nervous System Angiopathy Presenting as Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy
- Rondom Noise and Detailed Balance
- Production of 3π^0 and η2π^0 from π^-p Collision in GAMS Experiment(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- 26pGH-1 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA (V)
- Pressure-induced Quantum Phase Transition in Cr1-xVx Alloys
- 25pZB-6 Measurement of η mesons in the 0(γ,η) reaction for 0.6
- A Calculation on the Self-Field of a Point Charge and the Unruh Effect
- Light Figures and Surface Structures Revealed by Chemically Etched Germanium Single Crystals
- Ferromagnetic Behavior and Its Dependence on the Crystal Orientation and on the Method of Demagnetization in Single Crystals and a Polycrystal of 0.5 Percent Aluminium Iron
- Elastic Photoproduction of π^0 Mesons From Deuterium in the Energy Range From 500MeV to 700 MeV
- 26pGJ-9 Design of Large-Acceptance Multipurpose Spectrometer (LAMPS) at the KoRIA High-Energy Beam Line
- Narrow Resonance at E_γ=1020 MeV in the D(γ, η) pn Reaction(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Overview of Venus orbiter, Akatsuki
- Eulerian Model of Flow and Dispersion/Chemistry/Deposition Processes : Photochemical Reactions and Dry Deposition in the Mountainous Coastal Area
- 18pSG-8 Precision spectroscopy of kaonic hydrogen x-rays with silicon drift detectors in SIDDHARTA (VI)
- 18aSG-5 Photoproduction of strangeness on the deuteron in the energy range of 0.8 - 1.1 GeV
- Comparative Image Analysis of EGF Immunoreaction in Rat Submandibular Gland by Use of 3, 3'-Diaminobenzidine with Metal Enhancer Substrate
- Elastic Photoproduction of π^0 Mesons from Deuterium around the N_(1525) Resonance
- The Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Imager/the Telescope of Visible Light (UPI/TVIS) onboard the Kaguya spacecraft
- Helium observation in the Martian ionosphere by an X-ray ultraviolet scanner on Mars orbiter NOZOMI
- Telescope of extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard SELENE : science from the Moon
- Imaging the Terrestrial Plasmasphere by the XUV Scanner from Space
- Distribution of Four-Momentum Transfer in Multiple Meson Productions by High Energy Muons
- Construction of a Nontrivial Field Theory in 3 Dimensions Starting from a Lagrangian of φ^6-Type
- ENDOCRINE VARIANT OF HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA : An autopsy report of triple-cancer involving liver, Kidney, and thyroid.
- ___- ___- Effects of Tunicamycin on Chondrocytes of Rat Mandibular Condyle as Revealed by Lectin Cytochemistry.
- Narrow Resonance at E_γ = 1020MeV in the D(γ,η)pn Reaction
- Nuclear Media Effects on Production and Decay of Vector Meson Studied in 12 GeV p+A Interaction
- P183 Cloud Propagation Study over Indonesia by Adopting Tracking Radar Echo by Correlation (TREC) Method
- B301 A study on water vapors in the tropical tropopause region using EOS-AURA MLS satellite
- 27aHC-12 Double neutral pion photo-production off the proton/deuteron with FOREST at ELPH
- 27pHC-14 Development of hypTPC for H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC
- 20aSA-9 Double neutral pion photo-production off the proton/deuteron with FOREST at ELPH