Kawamura T. | Tohoku University
Ishigami T
Stefan Meyer Institut Fur Subatomare Physik
Inagaki T.
Kojima T.
Saga University
Nakano T.
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Itahashi T.
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Department of Physics, Toho University
Tajima Y.
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
Ishikawa T.
Laboratory of Nuclear ScienCe, TohCku University
Shimizu H.
Laboratory of Nuclear ScienCe, TohCku University
Murakami Tetsuya
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
- 31pSP-2 Search for K_L ⇾ π^0 νν decay (KEK-PS E391a experiment) : Engineering run
- 26pZA-4 2piO photoproduction at SPring-8 LEPS(中間子生成,ハドロン構造,実験核物理)
- 26pZA-3 ω photoproduction at SPring-8 LEPS(中間子生成,ハドロン構造,実験核物理)
- 25pZB-11 S_(1535) resonance in nuclei studied with the C, 0u(γ,η) reactions(Hadron and nuclear physics with electromagnetic probe)
- σ and κ in Scattering Processes and New π^0π^0 Phase Shift Data(§2. ππ/Kπ Scattering,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- 25pZB-6 Measurement of η mesons in the 0(γ,η) reaction for 0.6
- 18aSG-5 Photoproduction of strangeness on the deuteron in the energy range of 0.8 - 1.1 GeV