18aSG-5 Photoproduction of strangeness on the deuteron in the energy range of 0.8 - 1.1 GeV
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2011-08-24
Research Center for Biomedical Engineering, Okayama University
Inagaki T.
Department of Physics, Toho University
Ishigami T
Stefan Meyer Institut Fur Subatomare Physik
Koike T.
tohoku Univ.
Kudo H
Nishina Center For Accelerator Based Science Riken
SUZUKI Katsuhiko
Numazu College of Technology
Fujinoya T.
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
Beckford B.
Tohoku University
Fuji T.
Tohoku University
Fujii Y.
Tohoku University
Fujibayashi T.
Tohoku University
Futatsukawa K.
Tohoku University
Han Y.
School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University
Hashimoto O.
Tohoku University
Hirose K.
Researoh Center for Electron Photon Science,Tohoku University
Ishikawa T.
Researoh Center for Electron Photon Science,Tohoku University
Kanda H.
Tohoku University
Kaneko Y.
Tohoku University
Kaneta M.
Tohoku University
Kawasaki T.
Tohoku University
Kimura C.
Tohoku University
Kiyokawa S.
Tohoku University
Maeda K.
Tohoku University
Makabe K.
Tohoku University
Maruyama N.
Tohoku University
Matsubara M.
Tohoku University
Miwa K.
Tohoku University
Miyagi Y.
Tohoku University
Nakamura S.
Tohoku University
Okuyama A.
Tohoku University
Tamura H.
Tohoku University
Tamae T.
Researoh Center for Electron Photon Science,Tohoku University
Terada N.
Tohoku University
Yamamoto F.
Tohoku University
Yamazaki H.
Researoh Center for Electron Photon Science,Tohoku University
Takahashi T.
Researoh Center For Electron Photon Science Tohoku University
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kojima T.
Tohoku University
Han Y.
School Of Nuclear Science And Technology Lanzhou University
Miyano K.
Tohoku University
Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata University
Kinoshita T.
Tohoku University
Kawamura T.
Tohoku University
Yamazaki H.
Researoh Center For Electron Photon Science Tohoku University
Hirota K.
Researoh Center For Electron Photon Science Tohoku University
Department of Physics, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Department of Electric, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Waseda University
SUZUKI Katsuhiko
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Suzuki Kenji
Researoh Center for Electron Photon Science,Tohoku University
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