黄体機能調節機構における微小循環とフリーラジカルの役割(シンポジウム1 黄体機能の調節とその異常)
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The objective of this study is to determine the role of the microcirculation and free radicals in the control of ovarian corpus luteum (CL) function. To evaluate neovascularization in the CL and to investigate whether CL blood flow is reflective of the luteal function, power and color Doppler imaging were used. The blood supply to the ovary bearing CL is thought to increase during luteal phase, resulting in the provision of low-density lipoprotein to luteal cells for corpus luteum progesterone (P) production. The increase in blood flow to the CL suggests an increase in the vascular bed of developing CL and the existence of discrepancy between the period of maximum P concentration and the period of maximum blood flow to the CL reflect the fact thatan increase in circulating hormone may lag behind a structural increase in vasculature. Furthermore, the pattern of changes in the volume of blood flow of the CL shows functional and structural luteolysis exist in human as well as in rats. To investigate the relationship between the microcirculation in the CL and free radicals, the intravital microscopy was used to observe the microvasculature and leukocyte behavior in the CL of pseudopregnant rat. The characteristics of microvasculature of the CL in early-and latepseudopregnancy consisted of the low vascular density and the formation of shunt vessels. The number of rolling and sticking leukocytes within the microcirculation of rat CL reached its maximum 10 days after hCG administration, while the serum level of P reached its maximum 7 days after hCG administration and it decreased thereafter. Furthermore, myeloperoxidase activity in the CL, which represents the accumulation of leukocytes, showed the same pattern of change as the number of adhesive leukocytes. The discrepancy between the period of maximum P concentration and the peroid of maximum accumulation of leukocytes may reflect the fact that the accumulation of leukocytes dose not affect directly the functional regression of CL. During pseudopregnency, production of free radicals was observed in the extravascular area in the CL. Administration of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) induced the production of free radicals in the CL within 15 minutes. Although immediate changes of microcirculation within the CL were not observed after PGF2α administration, the destruction of vascularity and the shunt vessels within CL were obsereved 48 hours after PGF2α administration. This may suggest that PGF2α-induced free radicals, which derived from the CL itself, affect the structural changes in the vasculature of the CL. To investigate a potential role of free radicals in luteal regression, the implication between PGF2α-induced free radical production and apoptosis was evaluated in rat cultured cells. When luteal cells were incubated in the presence of PGF2α, the production of free radicals increased. Furthermore, after the addition of PGF2α, luteal cells exhibited morphological characteristics typical of apoptosis and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation by gel electrophoresis. Pretreatment with antioxidant or radical scavengers prevented the apoptosis induced by PGF2α. This may suggest that PGF2α-induced free radicals, which derived from luteal cells, induce apoptotic cell death. In conclusion, free radicals derived from luteal cells may modulate luteal function, and may cause the destruction of microvasculature and spoptotic cell death resulting luteal regression.
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1998-08-01
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