Incommensurate Charge Ordering in Charge-Frustrated LuFe_2O_4 System
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Tlae charge ordering process of a mixed valence LttFezO.j systena has been studied, focttsingattention on the frttstration effect associarted with the claarge configtt?'ation. It is revertted tlaat tlaesystern trndergoes successive phase transitions f'olloxving the seqttence of disorder-*2D CDW-:3DCDW. In the 2D-CDXV state, the char'ge density xvave defined by tlue wave vector (173, 1/3),is forrned in the hexagonal layer. On the nod?t1 lines of the CDXV, the cla;trge order is stillundetertnined dtre to the claarge frttstr;ttiorn. Frotaa 21 dielectric viewpoint, tlxis phase is viewedas rando?n stacl<ing of 2D ['erroelectric layers. Itt tlae 3D-CDW state, antiphase stacking ofthe 2D ordered layer develops. At the same tita're, the in-jcl;xne claarge order exhibits a dovrlclymodtuJated long-period strtzcttnre. Frona a dielectric viewpoint, this pl'xase is characterized byan incomutaenstrrate antiferroelectric phatse. Relexvance of the claarge ordering raaechanism to theobserved anomalotrsly large dielectric constant in LLlF62O4 is disctrssed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-12-15
YAMADA Yasusada
Advanced Research Center for Science and Engineering,Waseda University
Naoshi Ikeda
Advanced Research Center For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yamada Yasusada
Advanced Research Center For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yamada Yasusada
Advanced Institute Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Shinichiro NOHDO
Advanced Research Center for Science and Engineering,Waseda University
Nohdo S
Advanced Research Center For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Ikeda Naoshi
Advanced Research Center for Science and Engineering,Waseda University
Nohdo Shinichiro
Advanced Research Center for Science and Engineering,Waseda University
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