45°Brillouin Scattering Studies of the Anisotropic Polarization Relaxation Time in Triglycine Sulfate
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The temperature dependence of the anisotropic polarization relaxation timeo(0) has been studied in the 6c-plane of the uniaxial ferroelectric TGS by theobservation of the 45' Brillouin scattering spectra. The frequency shift and thelinewidth of the Brillouin satellite show temperature dependent anisotropicanomalies in the ferroelectric phase. These anomalies are found to arise outof the depolarization effect on the polarization fluctuation. From the view-point of the polarization relaxation phenomena, the effect can be analyzedsatisfactorily by r(Q) with reasonable values of three parameters; dielectricsusceptibilities along the b- and the c-axes, 7"5.(q//c)z 115(7'. - 7') ' and zQ.:0.8,and a relaxation time for a transverse polarization fluctuation r(0)=4.2 x10 "(T.- 7')-'sec.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1984-02-15
- Brillouin Scattering Study of the Anisotropic Relaxation of the Polarization Fluctuation in Ferroelectric TGS
- Anisotropic Brillouin Scattering Width in Triglycine Sulfate
- Brillouin Scattering Studies of the Polarization Relaxation Time in Rubidium Hydrogen Sulfate
- Light Scattering Study of Effect of Hydrostatic-Pressure on the Ferroelectric Relaxational Mode in KH_2PO_4
- 45°Brillouin Scattering Studies of the Anisotropic Polarization Relaxation Time in Triglycine Sulfate