Anomalous Galvanomagnetic Properties of Graphite in Strong Magnetic Fields
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Our experiments on the galvanomagnetic effects of graphite in strong magneticfields revealed that l) a.,B is not a constant but depends on the field strength,2) the resistivity at low temperatufes has a field dependence of p:B/(p-f-qB"),n: I, and 3) in an applied magnetic field the p vs T curve has a maximum atT=2O K -25 K. These results can not be explained by simple theory. However,ifthe transitions: D"T( -e)-=D'and/or A T(Te)=A'areinduced in stronnfields, where D corresponds to donor and A represents acceptor, then co-existenceof ionized impurity scattering and neutral impurity scattering can explain thequalitative feature of the (B, 7')-dependence of the resistivity at low temperatures.At high temperatures it is necessary to consider phonon scattering and carrier-carrier scattering. Without the carrier-carrier scattering the (B, I)-dependence ofp for T>25 K can not be explained.
- 1978-12-15
Sugihara Ko
Central Research Laboratory Matsushita Electric Industrial
Sugihara Ko
Central Research Laboratory Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
John A.woollam
Nasa Lewis Resarch Center
Woollam John
NASA Lewis Resarch Center
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