X-Ray Photoemission Study of Dodecanethiolate-Passivated Ag Nanoparticles(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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We have carried out the X-ray photoemission study of dodecanethiolate-(DT-) passivated Ag nanoparticles supported on the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrates. From detailed line-shape analyses of Ag 3d core-level photoemission spectra of DT-passivated Ag nanoparticles, it is found that Ag 3d core-level spectra consist of the two components. We attribute these components to the inner Ag atoms and surface Ag atoms bonded to surface dodecanethiolates. Furthermore, we have investigated the nanoparticle-diameter-dependent valence-band photoemission spectra. From these results, we discuss the electronic properties of DT-passivated Ag nanoparticles.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2004-06-15
田中 章順
Tanaka Akinori
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Tanaka Akinori
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics Kyushu University
Takeda Yuitsu
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
- 30aWP-12 遷移金属上に成長させたAgナノ薄膜の角度分解光電子分光(ナノ構造量子物性)(領域9)
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- 23aW-11 Ag二重量子井戸構造の角度分解光電子分光 III
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- 29a-PS-54 Agナノ薄膜の温度依存角度分解光電子分光及びX線回折
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