Novel Electronic Properties of a Nano-Graphite Disordered Network and Their Iodine Doping Effects : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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Activated carbon fibers (ACFs) are microporous carbons consisting of a three-dimensional disordered network of nano-graphites with a mean in-plane size of about 30 Å. We investigated the structure, electronic properties and iodine doping effects for ACF samples heat-treated up to 2800℃. The samples heat-treated below 1000℃ exhibit Coulomb gap variable-range hopping conduction and the presence of localized spins, suggesting the importance of charging effects and the edge-inherited non-bonding states in nano-graphites, the latter being predicted theoretically. Iodine doping reduces the charging effect due to the dielectric constant enhanced by the iodine that is accommodated in the micropores. Heat treatment above 1300℃ changes ACFs from an Anderson insulator to a disordered metal by the development of an infinite inter-nano-graphite percolation path network for electron transport, accompanied by a change from localized-spin magnetism to itinerant electron magnetism. In the metallic regime, carrier scattering is subjected to nano-graphite boundaries in terms of a short range random potential. Iodine-doping introduces ionized impurity scattering, which is caused by the I_3^- ions generated by the charge transfer from iodine to nano-graphite.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2000-03-15
榎 敏明
SATO Hirohiko
Department of Chemistry,Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology
ENOKI Toshiaki
Department of Chemistry,Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Sakata‐haga H
関西医科大学 神経内科学
Sakata-haga Hiromi
徳島大学 ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部機能解剖学
Sakata-haga Hiromi
Department Of Anatomy And Developmental Neurobiology Institute Of Health Biosciences The University
Sakata-haga Hiromi
Department Of Anatomy University Of Tokushima School Of Medicine
Sakata Haga
Department Of Anatomy And Developmental Neurobiology University Of Tokushima School Of Medicine
Haga H
Univ. Tokushima School Of Medicine Tokushima Jpn
Endo Morinobu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
Endo Morinobu
Department Of Electrical Engineering Shinshu University
Hirohiko Sato
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Dresselhaus M
Massachusetts Inst. Technol. Ma Usa
Dresselhaus Mildred
Department Of Physics Massachusetts Institute Of Technology:departinent Of Electrical Engineering An
Hashimoto S
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
BI Xiang-Xin
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sato Hiroshi
Research Center For Radiation Safety National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Bi Xiang-xin
Department Of Physics Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Hisano Setsuji
Dept. Anat. Sch. Med. Tokushima Univ.
Enoki Toshiaki
Department Of Chemistory Tokyo Inst.of Technology
Sato Hirohiko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Sato Hiroshi
Department Of Anatomy And Developmental Neurobiology Institute Of Health Biosciences The University
Shibayama Yoshiyuki
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Hirohiko
Department Of Biotechnology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Sakata Haga
Department Of Anatomy And Developmental Neurobiology Institute Of Health Biosciences University Of Tokushima Graduate School
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology/Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology/Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology/Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Department of Physics, Massac
Sato Hirohiko
Masssachusetts 02139, U.S.A.
Enoki Toshiaki
Masssachusetts 02139, U.S.A.
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