Analysis of Two Dimensional Electronic States in Strong Magnetic Field by Random Matrix Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
Electronic states in a two dimensional random system with a perpendicular strongmagnetic field are analyzed by using a model Hamiltonian matrix which has randomelements reflecting the characteristics of the random potential such as the correlationlength. The random matrix model is suitable for numerical calculations and has advantages compared to preparing the random potential by distributing impurities par-tucularly when discussing correlated potential. As an example, the fractal dimen-sionality of extended states in the lowest Landau band is considered. It is found thatthe extended states have multifractal properties. The restxlts are compared with thoseobtained through the random potential model.Iquantum Hall effect, localization, fractal dimension, multilractality, inverse par- ]l ticipation numberl
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-01-15
Kramer Bernhard
I.institut Fur Theoretische Physik Universitat Hamburg
Department of Physics,Sophia University
Kramer Bernhard
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
ONO Yoshiyuki
Toho University
University of Tokyo
Ohtsuki T
Sophia Univ. Tokyo
Yoshiyuki Ono
Department Of Physics Toho University
Ohtsuki T
Yokohama City Univ. Yokohama
Ono Yoshiyuki
Toho Univ. Chiba
Ono Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Toho University
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