EPR Study on Dimeric Copper-Adenine Complex
- 論文の詳細を見る
The EPR investigations (9.4 and 23.9 GHz) of a copper-adenine complex[Cu(C.H.N.).'4H.0] were made for the interest of the role of a metallic tonin a life. The angular and temperature dependences of the spectra indicatedthat two Cu" ions, surrounded by four adenine molecules, were strongly coupledthrough a superexchange interaction. The analyses of the EPR spectra werecarried out bv a srin Hamiltonian havinz an exchange term: H.=sI3HS+D(Sf - 1/3S(S-I-1)J-f-E(S) -S:)-f-AIS -.Z,5.,5j?. The determined parameters forthe dimeric Cu" ions are gj7=2.24, g.=2.13, D= -0.10, f=0.0l, ./1=0.008 andJ= - 200 cm ', respectively.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1983-12-15
鈴木 勝
Sumita M
Department Of Electronics Engineering The University Of Electro-communications
Sumita Minoru
University Of Electro-communications
University of Electro-Communications
KAWANO Katsuyasu
University of Electro-Communications
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