Single-Siet Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant-Electron Systems with Narrow Bands
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The spin fluctuation theory of itinerant-electron xnagnetisni is developed byusing the static functional integral method combiz?e?i with the single-site alloyanalogy approximation. The theory is shown to provi<ie an iuaterpolating descrip-tion of itinerant electron magnetism yielding good results ita some importantlimits; ina the weak interaction limit or I=0 K it reduces to the'llartree-Focktheory, and in the strong coupling limit for the ha].f-filled band it reproducesthe results of the molecular-field theory. With the use of the half-filled Bell shapeband the temperature dependences of the average nxomeu?t, the local morhent,the susceptibility and the specific heat are calculat<:d 'numerically for vari<>usvalues of the electrora-electron interaction.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1980-07-15
- Effect of Spin Fluctuations on Itineraut Electron Antiferromagnetism
- Frequency-Dependent Electrical Conductivity of Nearly and Weakly Ferromagnetic Metals : Deviations from Drude's Formula
- Single-Siet Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant-Electron Systems with Narrow Bands
- Effect of Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations on Superconductivity
- Finite-Temperature Magnetism of Concentrated Ferromagnetic Alloys
- Specific Heat Due to Spin Fluctuations in Nearly and Weakly Antiferromagnetic Metals
- Single-Site Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant-Electron Systems with Narrow Bands. II. Iron and Nickel
- A Unified Theory of Magnetism in Narrow Band Electron Systems
- Spin Fluctuations in Concentrated Ferromagnetic Alloys
- Paramagnon Effect on the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Type-I Superconductors
- Single-Site Functional-Integral Approach to Itinerant-Electron Ferromagnetism