Dislocation Model of Amorphous Germanium
- 論文の詳細を見る
From a point of view that a crystal containing many dislocations can be amodel of an amorphous solid, the structure of amorphous Ge has been generatedon a computer by introducing many screw dislocations regularly into a diamondlattice. It is expected that the radial distribution function for the distance smallerthan the period of the dislocation array is little influenced by the regularity andis mainly determined by the core structure of dislocations. In relaxing the atompositions to minimize the total energy, the Keating potential was used for theinteratomic interactions. It is found that the radial distribution function forthe dislocation density of 0.25b per atomic volume or 4.4 x 10" cm ' agreeswell with experiments. The reduced intensity function was also calculated. Agree-ment with experiments is good, except that it shows the higher first peak thanexperiments.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-03-15
Ninomiya Toshiyuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
KOIZUMI Hirokazu
Department of Physics, Meiji University
Koizumi Hirokazu
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Koizumi Hirokazu
Department Of Physics School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
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