Crystal Structure of Aniferromagnetic NiO Determined by X-Ray Topography
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1975-06-15
Department of Materials Science, University of Osaka Prefecture
Department of Materials Science, University of Osaka Prefecture
Fukuoka Nobuo
Department Of Materials Science University Of Osaka Prefecture
Fukuoka Nobuo
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Osaka
Department of Physics, University of Osaka Prefecture
Shimomura Yasumitsu
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Osaka
Nakahigashi Kiyotaka
Department Of Material Science University Of Osaka Prefecture
Nakahigashi Kiyotaka
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Osaka
Department of Physics , Naniwa University
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