Simulation of a Dripping Faucet
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A dripping f'atrcet systetn is siutatrlated. We ntttrrerically show that a hanging drop generallyhas rnany equilibritrraa shatpes btrt only one atnong them is stable. By taking a stable eqvxilibrivxmshape as an initial state, a sinatrlation of' dynarnics is done, f'or wlaich we present a new atlgorithraabased on Lagrangian description. The shape of' a drop furlling i'rom a faucet obt?rined by thejcresent algorithna agrees qtrite well with experirmeratal observations. Long-term behatvior of' thesitaatrlation can reprodttce period-ou?e, period-two, interrnittent ?rnd cluaotic oscillatiotas widelyobserved in experiutaents. Possible routes to chaos are disctrssed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-04-15
Department of Information Science, Kanagawa University at Hiratsuka
Fuchikami Nobuko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishioka S
Department Of Information Science Kanagawa University
Ishioka Shunya
Department Of Information Science Kanagawa University
Kiyono Ken
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Tokyo Metropolitan University
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