Transfer Matrix Approach to Photon-Assisted Quantum Transport in Quantum Point Contacts
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Using a novel trar'asf'er na?ttrix method, pJaoton-assisted qvtanttrttu tr'ansport throvrgh a quanttrn?point contact (QPC) has been sttrdied theoretically. Altlaotrgh tlae previov-ts XVKB theory predictsa taainistep strtzcttrre in tlue conductance of 2111 irradiated QPC, negative exjceritnental evidencehas been reported so far. Ottr ntrrnerical r'estrlts for a txvo-diuaaension?tl QPC nuodel with realisticpararaaeters suggest that (i) clear utuinisteps can be expected if' tire radiation field is several tiunesstrorv.ger than that iua experitaaents, (11) in contrast to the NVKB prediction, only nairaisteps in theernission side xvill be observed, and (iii) 21 xvavefunction unodtrlsttion by a static potential playsan iraaportant role in photota-assisted qtranttuuta transport, wlaich has not been properly evaluatedin tlue previotrs tlteory, XVe also insist tlaat a sitaaple scenario based 011 the Then-Gordon picttrredoes not describe correctly the nainistep structture.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-08-15
YAKUBO Kousuke
Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido University
Yakubo Kousuke
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
OHE Jun-ichiro
Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido University
Ohe Jun-ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Hokkaido University
Ohe Jun-ichiro
Department of Applied Physics,Hokkaido University
Yakubo Kousuke
Department of Applied Physics,Hokkaido University
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