Gamma Rays from the Excited States of ^<16>O
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By bombarding fluorine target with 5.7MeV protons, a new gamma radiation of energy 3.86±0.02MeV was observed with a three crystal pair spectrometer. This gamma radiation was proved to be emitted from 10.98MeV (or 10.77MeV) state in ^<16>O in the transition to 7.12MeV (or 6.91MeV) state by gamma-gamma coincidence experiments. No gamma radiation corresponding to the transitions from this state to other lower states in ^<16>O was observed 0^- (or 3^+) was assigned to this state. An 8.87MeV gamma radiation corresponding to the direct transition to the ground state from the 2^- excited state in ^<16>O was observed. A hard gamma radiation of about 11MeV energy was found at proton energies between 4.8 and 5.7 MeV and was ascribed to the capture radiation in ^<19>F(ργ)^<20>Ne reaction. A weak gamma radiation of about 4.9MeV energy was also observed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1957-11-05
Okada Eiji
Department Of Physics And The Laboratory Of Nuclear Studies Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Okada Eiji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Himeji Institute Of Technology
Wakatsuki Tetsuo
Department of Cardiology, Tokushima University School of Medicine
Miura Iwao
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Miura Iwao
Department Foorthopaedic Surgery School Of Medecine The University Of Tokushima
Hirao Yasuo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Hirao Yasuo
Department Of Physics And Laboratory Of Nuclear Studies Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Okada Eiji
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Okada Eiji
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
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