Topographic Distribution of Photon Measurement Density Functions on the Brain Surface by Hybrid Radiosity-Diffusion Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-10-01
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University
岡田 英史
慶応義塾大学 理工学部電子工学科
Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London
Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London
Okada Eiji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Himeji Institute Of Technology
ONO Muneo
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University
KASHIO Yoshihiko
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University
Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London
University Department of Radiology, Imaging Laboratory, Royal Victoria Infirmary
Arridge S
Department Of Computer Science University College London
Ono Muneo
Department Of Electronics And Electrical Engineering Keio University
Dehghani Hamid
Department Of Medical Physics And Bioengineering University College London
Arridge Simon
Department Of Computer Science University College London
Firbank Michael
University Department Of Radiology Imaging Laboratory Royal Victoria Infirmary
Schweiger Martin
Department Of Computer Science University College London
Kashio Yoshihiko
Department Of Electronics And Electrical Engineering Keio University
Okada Eiji
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Okada Eiji
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
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