- 論文の詳細を見る
Study on the sites of nerve entrance in innervation of skeletal muscles is important in the field of anatomy, histology, physiology and pathology, and sine 19th century, many research s have been engaged in the macroscopical investigations on nerve entrance of muscles. However, their were not always precise, because they seemed to employ macroscopical methods without measuring a length of muscles and a distance between orgin and insertion of various insertion of various muscles in thigh. In this paper, first, the muscle length was determined by measuring the distance betweeen origin and insertion directly (designated here as "direct method") or by measuring the length of muscles along their course (designated here as "indirect method") by scale. Concomitantly, the number and diameter of major innervated nerves of each muscle were also examined. Next, The distance between nerve entrance and the origin of 9 thigh muscles were carefully measured. The difference of the values obtained to sex and age was also surveyed. Adding to it, the correlation between the sites of nerve entrance and that of muscle belly was also studied. The details were as follow : 1)The values of muscle length obtained from direct and indirect methods were compared in paying attention to each belly of muscles. 10 specimens in M.sartorius and M.rectus femoris were used for it. The difference of values direct and indirect methods was negligible, that is, only 1to 2.5% difference are there respectively. 2)The number of major nerve entering into each muscle were one or two. The number of major nerves and their diameter (parenthesized) of 21 specimens were as follow ; one (1.6mm) for M.rectus femoris, two (2.4mm) for M.vastus medialis and M.vastus lateralis, one (1.8mm) for M.gracilis, one (1.7mm) for M.adductor longus, two (2.4mm) for M.biceps femoris (caput longum), two (2.5mm) for M.semitendinosus and two (2.6mm) for M.semitendinosus. 3)Using 41 specimens, the sites of nerve entrance where one or two major nerves were enter into thigh muscles were measured with indirect methods. The sites of nerve entrance were indicated with the ratio calculated from the formula described in Result-C. Their sites were 21.4% from the origin for M.sartorius, 14.9% and 25.5% for M.rectus femoris, 22.6% and 39.3% for M.vastus medialis, 17.0% and 35.1% for M.vastus lateralis, 22.3% for M.gracilis, 44.7% for M.adductor longus, 22.1% and 38.6% for M.biceps femoris (caput longum), 15.5% and 43.0% for M.semitendinosus, and 46.7% and 61.7% for M.semitendinosus. However, the difference in the sites of nerve entrance related to sex and age was hardly in those specimens. 4)The difference between the sites of nerve entrance (either one or two) and muscle belly was evident in M.vastus medialis and M.adductor longus. The values of deviation in M.vastus medialis and M.adductor longus stood about at 20%. The difference of the other muscles (M.sartorius, M.rectus femoris, M.vastus lateralis, M.gracilis, M.biceps femoris ; caput longum, M.semitendinosus, M.semitendinosus) stood at 3 to 7%. 5)Some discussions were devoted to the relationship of sites between nerve entrance in anatomy and motor point in kinesiology.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1985-02-01
大河原 重雄
間藤 方雄
大河原 重雄
石崎 忠利
石崎 忠利
大河原 重雄
自治医大 医 解剖
間藤 方雄
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- あとがき
- 今後の課題
- 評価の実際
- 教育課程の評価についての基本的な考え方
- これまでの研究の経過
- あとがき
- 今後の課題
- 教育課程の編成
- 本年度の取り組み
- 研究の基本的な考え方
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- まえがき
- まえがき