- 論文の詳細を見る
Morphological changes of median profile of the anterior wall of body trunk during full inhalation and exhalation movements and 3 positions upon shoulder joint movement were analysed on male students by use of moire^^' contourography. The coordinate points of intersection of contour stripes created by moire^^' method and median line provided as the input date for statistical analysis which was processed by using a computer. The anterior wall length, 2 indices and 3 angle items were calculated to express the profile change of the respective part of the body quantitatively. The results are summalized as follows: 1) The largest mean values in the anterior wall length is shown at the abducted position of shoulder, (180°). 2) The ratios of the thoracic length to the anterior wall length at the abducted position of shoulder (180°) are significantly small compared with the one at the standing position. 3) The anterior walls tend to protrude at the fully inhaled position and the abducted position of shoulder(180°) as presented in the trunk arc indices. 4) The sternal part leans back notably at the fully inhaled position and the abducted position of shoulder (180°), meanwhile the fully exhaled position and abducted position of shoulder (90°) are more perpendicular than the standing position. 5) The positions followed by the thorax and shoulder movements show larder mean values then the standing position in the abdominal inclination. 6) The fully inhaled, shoulder abducted (180°) and shoulder elevated positions have the smaller mean values then the standing position in the anterior wall angle, meanwhile the fully exhaled position shows larger mean values then the standing position in the same item.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1983-03-01
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