- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate how physical education was introduced into schools supplying pupils fbr the University of Tokyo and how it was developed at those schools. The fundamental sources for the study were documents among historical materials detailing the history of the Imperial University of Tokyo and among the archives of the University of Tokyo. The findings were as follows : 1) Nanko asked the Ministry of Education to construct a playground in September 1871, and this was constructed in the following year. The Emperor Meiji visited Nanko on May 6, 1872 and viewed the playground, and Nanko seems to have had gymnastic apparatus used for the French system of military gymnastics. 2) The timetable of each class at Nanko included gymnastics for 30 minutes from 9 a.m. to 9 : 30 a.m. every day, and furthermore Nanko recommended students to do other exercises and walking as extracurricular activities. Most gym teachers employed had once worked for the Primary School attached to Numazu Military Academy. They seem to have studied the French system of military gymnastics in the late Edo period. A gymnastics system similar to that of the French at the Attached School had been practiced at Nanko. 3) Although gymnastics was a supplementary subject at Kaiseigakko, and later at Tokyo Kaiseigakko, they placed stress on it and in fact regulated the timetables so that most courses had 30 minutes of gymnastics from 9 : 30 a.m. to 10 : 00 a.m. every day and students took gymnastic exercises under the direction of the gym teacher. At the same time provision was also made for students to wear European clothes and shoes, which were thought to be more convenient for gym and other classes. 4) The construcion of new school buildings at Kaiseigakko in August 1873 included a new playground with exercise apparatus. Judging from the blueprint, the apparatus was evidently that of the French system of military gymnastics, and designed by a person whose knowledge excelled that in textbooks of the French system : 'Shinpei-taijyutu-kyoren'. 5) The exercises displayed under the direction of the gym teachers Y. Kariya, S. Takino and K. Fukushima in the presence of the Emperor, who attended the opening ceremony at Kaiseigakko on October 9, 1873, were ko-hi (leaping), tesuri (parallel bars) and yagura (platform). 6) The discharge of gym teachers at Tokyo Kaiseigakko between January and Feburary 1877 indicated that this preceded the measure that students taking the preparatory course for the University of Tokyo, established by consolidation of Tokyo Kaiseigakko and Tokyo Igakko, were to be taught gymnastics by Taiso-denshujyo (the National Normal School of Gymnastics). 7) Kaiseigakko and Tokyo Kaiseigakko played the role of translating and publishing book about gymnastics, manufacturing gymnastic instruments such as a dumbbells, and repairing sporting goods such as rubber balls. The traditional function introducing Western Culture since the Shogunate Institute of Foreign Studies such as Tenmonnkata, Banshowagegoyoh, Yogakusho and Bansho Shirabesho could not help being expanded in the above schools so far as modern industries had scarcely developed. 8) Gymnastics was also a supplementary subject at Dai-ichi Daigakku Igakko. When it was going to construct a playground and exercise apparatus, Dai-ichiban Chugaku (formerly Nanko) helped it and allowed some staff members of Dai-ichi Daigakku Igakko to inspect the playground and apparatus at Dai-ichiban Chugaku and lent them the blueprint. Igakko (formerly Dai-ichi Daigakku Igakko) had gym teachers concurrently holding similar positions at Kaiseigakko. Thus the successors of Nanko which had been pioneers in introducing gymnastics into modern schools in Japan had often helped those of Tohko (the Medical School).
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 2004-01-10
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