新たな運動学習の地平 : ダイナミカルシステムアプローチの可能性
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The acquisition of a striking action is discussed from two perspectives: the informational/computational and dynamical systems. The former approach to motor learning is derived from a computer metaphor, placing much emphasis on the concept of a motor program/schema. The variability of the practice hypothesis, derived from Schmidt's schema theory, maintains that practicing a variety of movement outcomes within the same class of movement would be the most efficient way of establishing a particular schema. This preprogrammed control model proposes that accurate performance is the outcome of a well established motor program for that class of movement. In contrast, the continuous control model, derived from Gibson's theory of direct perception, proposes a funnel-like type of control which invokes the concept of compensatory variability during movement execution. That is, an initial wide ball-park action to solve a given motor problem would be followed by more appropriate actions, in terms of the process of attunement on the basis of perceptual information. In contrast to these two approaches, the dynamical systems approach to the learning of a new action pattern focuses on the concept of order-order transitions between different modes of a coordinative structure. Such a process is preceded by disorder-order transitions, in that the workspace must first be established and gradually developed as a self-organizing information system before it can function in this way. Although a dynamical systems approach could provide explanations for the learning and performance of complex human movements in terms of an open, non-equilibrium system, such a system is unable to account for the continuous abrupt switching of temporal input. In the present study, the basic coordinative structures in continuous and complex striking movements were examined from an extended dynamical systems perspective with a temporal input. The complex striking action was shown to be best explained by a fractal transition between two excited attractors. From the proposed theoretical framework, it is argued that a complex training condition achieves its superiority by exploiting the inertia of the trunk rotation movement produced by the preceding striking action. This suggests that a dynamical systems approach is not only able to describe complex human movement, but can also offer practical applications to motor learning in a real-world setting.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 2002-03-10
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