III 教育社会学研究の評価と期待 教育の歴史社会学のために : 教育史と教育社会学 (<特集>教育社会学のパラダイム展開)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Sociology of education seems to be in need of a historical sociology of education now. In the area of sociology in general, the need for historical sociology is also recognized more than ever, as symbolized by the fact that the publication of The Journal of Historical Sociology started in 1988. Historical sociology is an inter-disciplinary field combining sociology, history, and cultural anthropology, as declared by the editors of JHS. Such a movement towards historical sociology signifies a fruitful return to sociology as it originally was. It is natural that JHS appreciated Max Weber and Norbert Elias in its series of critical evaluations of major "Schools and Scholars" who have contributed to the development of historical sociology. In addition, we can appreciate Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss as "Schools and Scholars" of historical sociology. It was Elias who attended to the concept "psychische Habitus" which reminds us of "habitus" (Mauss) and "sentiment collective" (Durkheim), and which also corresponds to the "mentalite" referred to frequently in social history. The attention to "hasbitus" or "mentalite" in historical sociology provides an opportunity to form a historical sociology of education now. This is because "habitus" or "mentalite" in itself has essentially been a focus of education, and on the other hand, education in itself cannot be conceptualized but as an educational "habitus". Accordingly, the history of the formation of "habitus" and the history of educational "habitus" can be established as a history of education, which is nothing but historical sociology of education. And, of course, it includes Michel Foucault's project on the history of "isomorphisme" of governmentality, i.e. the structural history of educational relations. The historical sociology of education clarifies and deconstructs the tacit and peculiar premise (the modern educational "mentalite") of modern educational sciences. But for it, no educational science can be established.
- 1992-08-07
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