ロック,ブラックストーン,そしてPower of Correction : 近代イギリスにおける家族・市民社会・国家と教育 研究序説(その2)
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In this paper, the writer has attempted to clarify the relations between the family, the school and punishment (prison), by studying Locke's modern social and educational theory. The parent's power over his child included the power of 'restraint and correction. This parent's power of correction was delegated to the tutor. The modern punishment was the restraint of freedom, and was executed in the House of Correction, an archetype of prison. (It was the regeneration of the House of Correction that Locke proposed as a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in 1697.) Accordingly, the same power which took the form of 'Correction was exercised in the parent-child relation, the teacher-pupil relation and the gaoler-prisoner relation. This was a tacit premise of John Locke. Locke's "Some Thoughts concerning Education" (1693) was based on and suspended by the concept of 'Correction. Then, the writer has attempted to point out the same situation by studying Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Laws of England, Book I" (1765). Blackstone discussed the Power of Correction of the parent over his child, of the tutor or the schoolmaster over his pupil and of the gaoler over his prisoner (I. Hawk. P.C. 130). 'Education is the power', Paul Ricour once said. We must clarify the form of power.
- 1985-02-28
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