- 論文の詳細を見る
Problem : Many researchers have studied children's interests. They define children's interests as a feature of the larger dynamic patterns of growing capacities and powers (Jersild 1933), as concerns (Yamashita 1949), or as emotions with self-involved attentions (Takemasa 1958), and so on. They studied such interests through the survey of children's play, questions, collections, and preferences among academic subjects and reading. But so far, there are few studies which analyzed the functional or the qualitative features of interests. In the present paper we are interested in the perceptual or cognitive aspects of the interest, i. e., the intellectual curiosity. It is assumed that the development of intellectual interests may be affected by the individual faculty and his developmental factors similar to the developmental processes in the child's logical thinking as J. Piaget (1926) has suggested. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to analyze the qualitative feature of the intellectual interests of children and their developmental levels under a controlled condition in which thematic pictures were employed as stimuli. Procedures : I Pretest In order to find out different areas toward which children's intellectual interests are directed, a survey of children's questions was made. Eight hundred and fifty one 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders were asked to write freely about what they wondered and about what they felt curious. Then 11 areas were selected which covered the range of questions raised by many subjects. II. Stimuli Eleven cards were made, each depicting a simple scene by photographs or drawings, each representing the above mentioned 11 areas respectively. These 11 themes were as follows : 1. birth 2. dream 3. school life 4. plant (morning glory) 5. manufacturing processes 6. television 7. magnetism 8. rain 9. space 10. war 11. human occupations III. Method Twenty boys and twenty girls of the 3rd grade were interviewed individually. Each was shown the 11 cards one by one, and was asked to tell 'what he knew about, ' and 'what he wanted to know more abut.' The responses were analyzed qualitatively into 6 categories, according to the developmental levels. These 6 categories were as follows : 1. Describing the picture itself (pointing to the objects of the card or naming them). 2. Subject's own feelings (describing the card from the subjective point of view). 3. Subject's experiences (associating the theme with his experiences or memories). 4. Describing the phenomenon itself. 5. Describing the cause or process of the phenomenon or asking for such explanation (extending the interests to the how and why of the phenomenon). 6. Functional explanation of the phenomenon or asking for such explantion (grasping the principle and the function of the phenomenon). Each individual protocol for each card was sorted out into 6 categories, and they were plotted down in one sheet so as to show the individual interest-profile. IV. Results a) The 3rd graders have many questions, and these questions cover a wide variety of areas. b) There are individual differences in the intellectual interests. Some children show the scattered interest-profile, while others show the narrow interest-profie. c) About 52% of the total responses have fallen under the category of describing the cause or process of the phenomenon or asking for such explanation. It may be said that the children of this age (8 & 9 yrs) have their modal developmental level of thought under this category. d) As to the themes, 'Space'and 'War' were popular with the subjects. e) There are few differences between boys and girls in the intellectual interest. f) The developmental level of the intellectual interests do not always correspond to the academic achievement. From the above outcomes, the authors conclude that children who are advanced in their intellectual interests but are relativly low in academic achievement need to be studied very carefully. They may have potentiality for bet
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1964-10-30
- 人格(310〜318)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 「乳幼児保育プログラムと教育心理学」
- 達成動機づけ測定に関する研究の動向
- 400 人間形成と人格測定(411〜8)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 意欲の裏・表
- 児童研究の回顧と展望 : 児童研究所創立50周年記念シンポジウム
- 370 3歳児における性意識及び性役割行動の研究 : 2 結果・考察(発達)
- 369 3歳児における性意識及び性役割行動の研究 : 1.問題・方法(発達)
- 達成動機づけの発達(自主シンポジウム)
- 330 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : (3) 母親のしつけ方略と母親意識(発達16,研究発表)
- 329 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : 2. 母子家庭の教育環境と母親の教育観(発達16,研究発表)
- 328 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究(I) : 1. 全体計画及び方法(発達16,研究発表)
- II. 幼児の知的教育はいかにあるべきか(準備委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 人格3(414〜420)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 人格2(409〜416)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- パーソナリティのダイナミズム : 達成動機づけの視点から
- 就職と大学改革(就職)
- 生涯学習を考える
- 大学生と高齢者における可能自己と達成関連動機との関係について
- 16. 児童の達成動機(小講演)
- 今後の児童学の展望 (今後の学科の展望)
- 849 達成動機の概念の検討 : 達成動機を構成する要因について(意欲II,教授過程6,口頭発表)
- 815 達成動機と親和動機の関係について(その2)(達成動機・教授法,教授過程2)
- 企画主旨の説明 : II.幼児の知的教育はいかにあるべきか
- 432 達成動機と親和動機の関係について(人格4,人格)
- "動機づけと人間関係"(「教育現場における人間関係の問題点」:その解明と解決へのアプローチ)
- 動機づけと人間関係(教育の場における人間関係の問題点-その解明と解決へのアプローチ-,準備委員会シンポジウム)
- 420 子どもの原因帰属と母親の原因帰属との関係について(原因帰属,人格)
- 幼児のLocus of Controlについて
- 206 母子家庭の母親および子どもの心理学的研究III : (3)Locus of Control測定法の検討,および母子家庭児と一般家庭児の比較(発達1,発達)
- 達成動機と親和動機との関係について
- 教授・学習 2 (608〜613) (部門別研究発表題目・討論経過とそのまとめ)
- 21 日本のしつけの研究(2) : 人生観類型の分布について
- こどもの形成と環境(II) (日本保育学会研究発表特集)
- 共稼ぎ家庭における児童 : 両親の生活としつけ (研究発表 : 第一日) (日本保育学会第十回大会特集号)
- 413 達成動機と親和動機との関係について(400 人間形成と人格測定)
- 児童の生命の概念とその手がかりの発達
- 子どものひとりごと
- 達成動機の育成とその規定因 : 人格形成の経験的基礎
- 児童の知的興味の質的分析
- 幼児のLocus of Controlについて
- 205 母子家庭の母親および子どもの心理学的研究III : (2)子どもの愛着の対象(発達1,発達)
- 測定・評価3
- 816 幼児用のLocus of Control Scaleについて(測定・評価3,研究発表)
- 自主性に関する概念の検討
- 410 達成動機の規定因について(人格2,研究発表)
- 608 達成動機づけにおける手段的活動について(教授・学習2,口頭発表)
- 312 想像物語にみられる達成動機の内容について(300 人格)
- The concept of achievement motive among Japanese children as shown through the behavior characteristics of theri peers.