「問題」行動の社会的構成 : 相互行為論の視点から
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This paper attempts to consider the process of the social construction of "problem" behavior where the "process" is defined as the application of a deviant category to a social act. In the interactionist perspective, it is the teacher-student relationship that is of paramount importance when categorizing a student act. For example, if a teacher strikes a student this can be justified by applying the category "educational guidance." However, in the reverse situation-namely, if a student strikes a teacher-the student has no category at his/her disposal to justify his/her act. Thus, if a student comes into physical contact with a teacher, whether this act may be considered to be "striking" or not is of utmost importance. The student's physical contact with a teacher doesn't necessarily mean "striking." It could merely be a case of "touching," "pushing" or "elbowing," and so on. What, then, constitutes the category of "striking?" At least, two factors should be considered. Firstly, when determining which category of deviance shoud be applied to any given act, the typified knowledge about the etiology of a deviant behavior functions as a framework for deciding what kind of knowledge about the student is relevant. Secondly, the "definition of situations" has a double effect on the process of the social construction of "problem" behavior. Finally, I point out that the interactionist perspective, which places prime importance on analyzing the "process," questions the validity of the etiological approach.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1985-09-30
- 「子ども問題」の語られ方-神戸「酒鬼薔薇」事件と〈少年〉カテゴリー-
- 「少年司法政策の社会学--アメリカ少年保護変遷史」徳岡秀雄
- 子ども・青年研究の展開
- 逸脱論の視角-原因論から過程論へ-
- III 学校の存立構造
- 徳岡秀雄著, 『社会病理の分析視角』, A5判, 282頁, 3400円, 東京大学出版会
- I 問題行動への教育社会学的接近 : いじめ問題を中心に
- 解釈的アプローチを検討する(II) : 子どものテレビ視聴調査を手掛りとして : 1. 調査のデザイン : 2. 分析の手続き : 3. 分析の結果(課題研究I 解釈的アプローチを検討する〔II〕)
- 「問題」行動の社会的構成 : 相互行為論の視点から
- 学校における秩序と統制(一般研究 II・2部会 中等教育II)
- 新設高校の教育に関する継続的調査研究(3)(II-6部会 高校教育(2))
- 新設高校の教育に関する継続的調査研究(2)(II-4部会 高校教育)
- テスト経験と受験指導(一般研究 III・5部会 学校生活)