- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper argues about the possibility of discourse analysis from the point of view of social constructionism. Under this theory, social problems are defined as the activities individuals or groups making grievances and claims with respect to certain putative conditions.Therefore, this theory "directs attention to the claims-making process, accepting as given and beginning with the participants' descriptions of the putative conditions and their assertions about their problematic character."(Ibarra and Kitsuse 1993, p.28.) However, there is a criticism that regarding the claims-making process as given is ontological gerrymandering by constructionists, because claims-making activities are cast as having the same ontological status as the conditions claimed by members: But, according to Coulter, this paper asserts that claims-making activities or discourses and the objects indicated by them are not ontologically equal, and these things are shown by members' everyday practices them-selves. Taking these methodological positions, this paper examines the 1997 Kobe murder case in order to figure out how the"juvenile"category has been used by members. For example, the 14-year old suspect in this case remained unnoticed and a month passed after he committed his second murder in May 1997 in spite of many possibilities that he could be recognized. The way members have used the "juvenile" category in everyday life made him visible but unrecognizable. Therefore, this murder case teaches us that the "juvenile" category should not be taken for granted and should be reconsidered all the time.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1998-10-20
- 「子ども問題」の語られ方-神戸「酒鬼薔薇」事件と〈少年〉カテゴリー-
- 「少年司法政策の社会学--アメリカ少年保護変遷史」徳岡秀雄
- 子ども・青年研究の展開
- 逸脱論の視角-原因論から過程論へ-
- III 学校の存立構造
- 徳岡秀雄著, 『社会病理の分析視角』, A5判, 282頁, 3400円, 東京大学出版会
- I 問題行動への教育社会学的接近 : いじめ問題を中心に
- 解釈的アプローチを検討する(II) : 子どものテレビ視聴調査を手掛りとして : 1. 調査のデザイン : 2. 分析の手続き : 3. 分析の結果(課題研究I 解釈的アプローチを検討する〔II〕)
- 「問題」行動の社会的構成 : 相互行為論の視点から
- 学校における秩序と統制(一般研究 II・2部会 中等教育II)