- 論文の詳細を見る
According to McClelland (1975), the power motive is defined as a "desire for strong action such as to attack, support, advise, or control others, and influence others' emotions, or the interest in winning fame". In this study, a primary objective was to develop a scale to measure the power motive, and secondary objective was to examine the positive aspect of power motive. In survey 1, a power motive measurement scale (with 22 items) was drawn up, and its reliability and validity was studied using 300 university students (142 female, 158 male). In survey 2, two hypotheses (1.Even though a person with high power motive shows a different achievement motive will depend on the aspect of power motive he carries ; 2. Even though a person with high power motive does not show a high self-fulfilment achievement motive, without social support he will have a low power motive), were supported by 364 university students (184 female, 180 male).
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1991-12-30
- 競争場面における敗北者の課題認知と対人認知 : 負け方と勝者からのフィードバックの効果
- 競争場面における対人認知および課題認知の変容
- PF52 大学生におけるコンボイ・モデル
- 自己認識欲求喚起と自己情報収集行動の心理的背景 : 青年期を対象として
- 青年期における自己情報収集行動
- 抑うつとソーシャルサポートとの関連に介在する達成動機の要因
- 発達 293 児童のソーシャルサポートについて
- 515 達成動機の二側面と原因帰属の関連について(帰属・動機づけ,人格3,口頭発表)
- C-6 達成動機とSocial Supportとの関係-その3 : 性差について(人格C)
- 432 達成動機とSocial supportとの関係 : その2(対人関係,人格4,人格)