- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper clarifies the process of curriculum tracking in urban high schools today. One aim is to examine the functions of curriculum type on the process of educational attainment, that is, track placement and the effect of tracking on the educational expectations of students. The other aim is to analyze the effects of family background on these processes. One crucial point is to construct a typology of curriculum that reflects the two main ideas of the current reform of high schools, which are to construct the contents of the curriculum to correspond to the diverse interest of each student, and to introduce the elective subject system, which allows students to choose subjects to learn according to their own interests. Using data collected from high school seniors selected based on the educational attainment of the alumni, contents of the curriculum, and range and amount of elective subjects, we constructed multinomial logit models on track placement and career expectations. The main results are as follows. (1) Students with highly educated parents tend to enter the academic-oriented curriculum but not the vocational-technical curriculum, after controlling for other important factors. (2) Since the association between parents' education and children's academic performance is weak, the indirect effect of family background on track placement is not very strong. (3) On one hand, the academic-oriented track channels its students into higher education, but the elective system guides them to professional schools. (4) Parents' years of schooling have a positive effect on the expected education of their children, after controlling for other variables. (5) There is no interaction effect of parents' education and curriculum type on students' educational expectations.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2003-10-31
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- 片瀬 一男[著], 『夢の行方-高校生の教育・職業アスピレーションの変容-』, A5判, 324頁, 本体2,000円, 東北大学出版会, 2005年10月刊
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