カモガイAcmaea dorsuosa GOULDの群構成位置の変化について
- 論文の詳細を見る
I have studied on the variation of colony of a limpet, Acmaea dorsuosa GOULD, at Hadakajimaisland, near Asamushi Marine Biological Station and obtained the results as is shown in the following lines. 1. Position of colony of Acmaea dorsuosa GOULD is about decided in every year, but some of the colonies are newly formed in every year. Comparing the nature of colony formation in 1932 to that of in 1953,number of colonies are increased 2 times in these 20 years, but total number of individuals is increased only 0.72%. (see Table 1) 2. Comparing the vertical position of colonies of the limpet in 1932 to that of in 1953,positions of colonies in 1953 are about 25cm higher than that of in 1932 in the western part of Hadaka-jima-island, but it is about 7 to 12cm lower in 1953 than that of in 1932 in the eastern part of the island, and it is about 4cm lower or about the same in 1953 than that of in 1932 in the northern part of the island. 3. Comparing the direction and velocity of wind in 1935 to that of in 1953,SW, W and NW wind blow exactly stronger than other wind in 1935 (see Table 2) and W wind in 1953 blow stronger than W wind in 1935,but SW and NW wind are much decreased in 1953. Therefore, physiological tide level is diflerent each other. Namely physiological tide level in 1953 is higher than that of in 1935 in the western part of the island, but on the contrary, physiological tide level in 1953 is lower than that of in 1935 in the eastern part of the island. 4. Zonation of animals in the neighbourhood of the colony of the limpet in 1953 is compared with that of in 1935. Number of Mytilus crassitesta LISCHKB is distinctly increased in 1953 compared with that of in 1935,but number of Septifer virgatus (WIEGMAMM) is distinctly decreased in 1953 compared with that of in 1935. 5. Variaton of vertical position of the colony of the limpet seems due to variation of direction and velocity of wind, and not due to variation of inhabitants.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1954-05-25
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