インドネシア, アナククラカタウ島上のナンゴクワセオバナの定着様式
- 論文の詳細を見る
Anak Krakatau Island has been increasing in area and height due to repeated eruptions since its appearance on the sea in 1929. Its highest peak in 1981 was 199 m and a perrenial tall grass, Saccharum spontaneum L. was the most common plant on this island and grew very sparsely on the slopes of the cone. A dense grassland and a forest of Casuarina equisetifolia were found only on the east and north coasts. The occurrence of this grass decreases exponentially as the elevation increases, and no vegetation is seen above 120 m. Old aerial shoots and rhizomes of this grass were found buried in volcanic ash 60 cm deep even near the upper limit of its distribution. From the growing pattern of rhizomes it was determined that the grass had become established there during an inactive period of the volcano and that the rhizomes withstood repeated eruptions and the accumulation of volcanicash. Only a few seedlings were found in 1982.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1984-12-30
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- E.Guhardja, M.Fatawi, M.Sutisna, T.Mori and S.Ohta (Eds.) 2000: Rainforest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan. El Nino, Drought, Fire and Human Impacts. 330pp. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 本体価格11,000円+消費税 ISBN 4-431-70272-5
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