ハイマツの生態 : とくに物質生産と更新過程について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Pinus pumila grows in alpine regions from central Japan to eastern Siberia and generally forms dwarf scrub. The ecological features of P. pumila were reviewed, focusing especially on its dry matter production and process of regeneration. Some aspects related to dry matter production, e. g., canopy structure, leaf longevity, phenology, litterfall and photosynthesis, were discussed in comparison with those of other forest types including Pinus species. Based on the annual above-ground net production and gross production of the pine forest, the carbon allocation pattern and efficiency of energy fixation were also discussed. The reproduction style of P. pumila is characterized by two different phases : seedling establishment as a result of seed dispersal by nutcrackers, and regeneration by layering in the mature trees. The ecological characteristics of dry matter production and the regeneration process were discussed in relation to the survival of P. pumila.
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- 根の生態学, 森田茂紀・田島良介監訳, シュプリンガー・ジャパン, 2008年6月, 364ページ, 6,510(税込), ISBN978-4-431-72735-4(ブックス,Information)
- ハイマツの生態 : とくに物質生産と更新過程について
- ブータンにおける森林・林業分野の研究課題(2)ユシパン再生可能自然資源研究センターとの林業・森林生態セミナーを終えて