福井県丹生浦湾における汚損生物III. : タテジマフジツボの生態について
- 論文の詳細を見る
YASUDA, Toru (Fisheries Experiment Station of Fukui Prefecture, Tsuruga, Fukui) Studies on the fouling organisms in Nyuura bay, Fukui III. Observations on the ecology of a cirriped, Balanus amphitrite amphitrite DARWIN. Jap.J.Ecol., 18,27-32 (1968). Balanus amphitrite amphitrite DARWIN is a dominant species among acorn barnacles in Nyuura Bay and its vicinity, and one of the most harmful fouling animals in the area. During the period of observation from July 1965 to July 1966,the pelagic larvae of cirripeds, supposedly those of B.amphitrite amphitrite, occurred in the plankton samples taken from various spots in the bay, from late June to late December, during which the temperature at one meter depth varied from 10℃ to 28℃. The maximum occurrence of pelagic larvae was found from August to October (18℃ to 28℃ 1m). This suggests that the spawning season of this species continues from late June to late December with the maximum spawning in August-October. B.amphitrite amphitrite settled on suspended plates and gradually decreased in number from the head to the mouth of the bay, and the number was always largest at 1 m depth through the vertical range of 0-5 meters. Pelagic larvae of B.amphitrite amphitrite settled more abundantly on the plates colored dark such as black or red than on the plates colored light such as blue, green or white.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1968-02-01
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲの生態-VI. : 成体型クラゲの垂直分布の季節変化
- 福井県丹生浦湾における汚損生物III. : タテジマフジツボの生態について
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクリゲの生熊-X : 1970年夏期における成体型の夜昼移動
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲの生態-IX : 1970年春期における成体型の昼夜移動
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲの生態-IV : 傘径組成の月変化と繁殖期について
- 福井県下における沿岸付着性汚損生物の生態研究 : 内浦湾音海沿岸におけるフジツボ類4種の生態について
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲの生態-I : 成体の出現状況
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲ生態-II : エフイラの出現状況
- 若狭湾におけるズワイガニの食性-I : 胃内容物組成について
- 福井県浦底湾におけるミズクラゲの生態-VII : 水中テレビとCネット採集から推察した生体型の昼夜移動