- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper examines how the image of Japanese Americans has changed in U.S. history textbooks published in the second half of the 20th century. The main contribution of this study is to clarify when and why information on Japanese Americans as a minority group became included in the definition of the "American nation" that had been taught as the basis of national integration. Through this examination, this study argues that the multiculturalization of education transforms the logic for socialintegration in the host society. The method of this study is the "storyline analysis, " and the objects of analyses are eighty history textbooks, study aids, and workbooks published in the United States from 1952 to 1999. The findings can be summarized into the following three points : (1) Japanese American Studies were already in full stride before 1988,when U.S. Congress gave a formal apology for the compulsory internment and enacted the Civil Liberties Act ; (2) depictions of people of Japanese descent found their place in American historiography by being included into nationalistic educational contents in the 1980s ; however, (3) in the 1990s, depictions of Japanese Americans came to reflect the change in U.S. national education, which started attaching more importance to the universally acknowledged rights of human beings. This study concludes that the change in the images of Japanese Americans between the 1980s and 1990s demonstrates the straying of U.S. history education from old-fashioned nationalism. Although U.S. history education still adopts the form of "national" education, it gives pictures of "ethnic" minorities from the viewpoint of "universal" human dignity. This historiography can be formed within a mixture of ethnic contexts, national contexts, and universal contexts. In this sense, it can be said that in the 1990s, the importance of the framework of "national" history was relativized into the importance of other frames of historiography.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2001-05-15
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- ましこ・ひでのり[著], 『ことばの政治社会学』, A5 判, 268 頁, 本体 2, 600 円, 三元社, 2002 年 12 月刊
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