- 論文の詳細を見る
We can not discuss the family and education in Japan today without refering to the problem of Jukentaisei (entrance examination order). Jukentaisei may be defined as the state in which children's lives are organized from early childhood so as to prepare for entrance examinations into good schools. This, however, is not confined to the problem of children's education. It is also closely related to the characteristics of Japanese society and culture because it consists of a triangular relationship between the family, school and occupational society. First, in Japan the family, which is regarded as Shi (private), is subordinate to both the job and the school which are regarded as Kou (public), but the school subordinates itself as Shi to the job. Hence, the job takes precedence over the family and the school. Second, there is a strong belief that humans have almost the same ability at birth and differences are created only through effort. Due to this, selection by objective achievement tests is carried out and a hierarchical school ranking system has come about in Japanese society. Third, the culture of Japanese groupism makes entrance examination competition a whole-family and whole-school enterprise. This Jukentaisei, as is supported by the above mentioned factors, has various effects on the socialization of children. Children are accustomed to test-type thinking, which is characterised by meek acceptance of ready-made textbook knowledge, simple modes of thinking defined by objective test forms and irrelevance to daily life. They are deprived of too much time and energy because of the examinations to achieve independence through resistance to adults by forming strong peer groups. They also tend to acquire the same behavior pattern as their fathers' ("workholics"), internalising the culture of Japanese groupism and the attitude that gives priority to school marks, leaving housework entirely up to their mothers. In addition, the Jukentaisei deprives the young of motives to form an idealistic counter-culture, causing children to be drawn into the adult world; it also distracts attention away from social contradictions, attributing everything to a lack of effort by the individual; and if drives the young generation towards an occupational society and economic prosperity. Thus the Jukentaisei carries out a key function in the reproduction of Japanese society and culture as a whole, not only the reproduction of the class structure.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1989-04-30
- 子ども・青年研究の展開
- III 学校の存立構造
- 解釈的アプローチを検討する(II) : 子どものテレビ視聴調査を手掛りとして : 1. 調査のデザイン : 2. 分析の手続き : 3. 分析の結果(課題研究I 解釈的アプローチを検討する〔II〕)
- 学校における秩序と統制(一般研究 II・2部会 中等教育II)
- 教育問題の社会的構築〔I〕(II-7部会 教育問題の社会学)
- 教育問題の社会学 : 明倫中「マット死」事件を事例として(III-1部会 教育問題)
- テスト経験と受験指導(一般研究 III・5部会 学校生活)
- II 解釈的アプローチを検討する
- 3 『サザエさん』の子供観 : 記号論的内容分析の試み(I-7部会 情報と教育)
- 『日本人と母』再論 ( 女性と教育)
- 受験体制という視点(シンポジウム 15歳時選抜 : 日本の選抜文化と教育システムを考える)
- 現代日本の家族と教育-受験体制の社会学にむけて-
- 大人社会に取り込まれる子どもたち : 受験体制の社会化・再生産機能