X 線回折における電算機システムの一例
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This paper describes an automated system for X-ray diffractometry. This system has been developed with the main intentions of extending operation times, preparing labor-saving devices, and acquiring experimental data with better precision. An IBM-1800 computer executes both the off-line data processing and on-line device control for five kinds of X-ray spectrometers in the system. Its implementation allows a substantial reduction in manpower with a considerable technical improvement over the previous methods, as descrived in the following. (1) Only two persons are required to operate this system instead of five. (2) This system is continuously operated about one hundred hours in a week. Operation times are more than trebled as before. (3) Digital-to-analogue, and analogue-to-digital converters are not required since digital outputs from scalers are transmitted to the computer. Some appropriate software are applied for data processing, then signal to noise ratio of diffracted intensity is remarkably increased. Using the newly developed x-ray diffractometers for determining pole figure and the computer control, pole density functions with better precision can be derived, for diffracted intensities are acquired by the inquiry and answer system.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1977-01-01
丸山 英雄
森本 一三
北川 孟
片山 道雄
丸山 英雄
鶴岡 一夫
片山 道雄
鶴岡 一夫
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