ミューズ教育の研究(VIII) : ミューズ教育思想の歴史的概観
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Because there have already been presented many treatises on the history of thought of 'Musische Erziehung (education)'-which is peculiar to modern Germany-in this series, this treatise will sum up these results, namely, survey this history. The summary is as follows. Deriving from Schiller's Aesthetic Education Theory and preserving the basic direction of his theory, which was a concrete expression of 'Aesthetic Humanism' in the German classical period, 'Musische Erziehung' arose directly from the Art Education Movement around 1900, and was influenced by the Youth Movement, Expressionism and Nietzche's philosophy of life behind both at the beginning of the 20th century. It took the clear form around 1930, was transformed by the Nazis, but revived soon after the war in 1949, and flourished in the 1950's. It took spiritual nourishment from the philosophy of 'play' (e. g. Huizinga) or 'leisure' (e. g. Pieper) and from anthropological pedagogics (e. g. Bollnow), though it was criticized for many positions from the last years of the 1950's to the 1960's, but defended because of the necessity of 'Musische Erziehung' until around 1980. Thus, the thought of 'Musische Erziehung' consistently had as its foundation the concept of 'Aesthetic-Political Education' which was based on the idea of aesthetic communication in Schiller's Aesthetic Education Theory.
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 2003-03-31
美術科教育学会 | 論文
- 視覚文化的観点でみる美術史の教育 : デジタルコミュニケーション実践者のための授業展開より
- アートとメディアと人々が出会う場としての地域文化施設 : e-とぴあ・かがわ「ワークショップ・オン・ワークショップ2005」及び他の事例からの考察
- ミューズ教育の研究(VIII) : ミューズ教育思想の歴史的概観
- ミューズ教育の研究(VII) : ミューズ教育思想における諸概念の構造的関係
- ミューズ教育の研究〔VI〕 : ミューズ的なものと政治教育