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Although in general the ratio of women teachers to men has increased with the advance of women in society, the ratio of women PE teachers to men has not increased in the past 20 years. This is caused by sexism in the employment of PE teachers regardless of qualifications. This paper examines the discovery that the gender culture of a PE teacher society in which the disproportion of men to women is maintained in spite of gender equality in the school system itself. Through a survey by interviews of seven men and five women PE teachers who work in H prefecture, it has been found that gender culture creates the disproportionate number of men to women. This is discussed here considering three factors : 1. the influence of gender culture in sports, 2. the double-standard in physical education, 3. a labor atmosphere which is still considered "men's work". The first point discloses, the men and women dichotomy and the absolute view toward gender difference. Moreover, relating to physical education curriculum and teacher behavior, the masculine principles of strength, bravery, winning, and so on have been permitted to dominate interaction and pleasure. Second, the double standard which expects men and women to have different roles is identified. In physical education, teachers work to form masculinity and expect severeness and toughness in boys. On the other hand, so-called "education for women" is deeply rooted and women PE teachers mainly cover dance education for girls. Influenced by this double standard, the gender role, for example the often seen "women manager" in sport activities, is accepted and the gender order has continued. As for the third point, extracurricular activities such as coaching and student guidance, have strongly reflected the identity of PE teachers. The atmosphere of the company office that doesn't dislike long working hours and work on holidays has been adopted by PE teachers. PE teachers who believe that student guidance is their job and thus take an active role as a "strict teacher" to maintain school order. As a result, the gym in PE teacher society becomes like an office which reinforces male dominance and leaves women PE teachers on the sidelines.
- 2005-03-30
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